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The advantages and disadvantages of bamboo fiber tableware and the introduction of the process, is it safe to make tableware?
20 May 2019

The advantages and disadvantages of bamboo fiber tableware and the introduction of the process, is it safe to make tableware?


1. The so-called bamboo fiber tableware is made of natural natural plant materials such as bamboo, grain and corn which can be naturally degraded. Without any chemical ingredients, it can well care for the baby's health.

2, antibacterial and antibacterial function: the original cultivated Escherichia coli, staphylococcus and other harmful bacteria, bacteria can be proliferated in cotton, wood fiber products, on the bamboo fiber fabric for an hour, the bacteria disappeared 48%, 24 After 7 hours, it was killed by 75%.

3, super health care function: The negative ion concentration of bamboo fiber is up to 6000 / cubic centimeter, which is equivalent to the negative ion concentration content of the field in the suburbs, which makes the human body feel fresh and comfortable.

 bamboo fiber tableware mold

bamboo fiber tableware mold


1. Because of the herbal characteristics of bamboo, extracting fiber is a very complicated process, which is much more difficult than extracting cotton fiber from cotton. In this process, it will cause certain pollution, requiring manufacturers to have sufficient social responsibility and effective protection. surroundings.

2, bamboo fiber products have a hard injury - fragile. Bamboo fiber fabrics cannot be twisted hard, otherwise they are easily broken. However, in order to overcome this weakness, bamboo fiber and cotton fiber blending methods are generally used to increase the strength. The ratio of bamboo and cotton is 7:3, so if you buy bamboo fiber kerchiefs, socks and bath towels are not brand-name products, and Also marked as 100% bamboo fiber, then pay attention.

bamboo fiber crockery Mold

Bamboo fiber tableware maintenance:

Bamboo fiber fabrics can be washed, dry-cleaned, and washed at room temperature. They should not be soaked at high temperature. They should not be soaked in the eternal robbery. Do not dry when machine washing, dry it in the air and ventilate after washing, can not be exposed to the sun, should be ironed at low temperature.

The bamboo fiber bed product shrinkage rate is less than 3%, and it can be machine washed at high temperature. The bamboo pulp fiber product belongs to recycled viscose fiber, and the shrinkage rate of the finished product is 8%. Therefore, it is not suitable for high-temperature washing, and it is not suitable for machine washing.

 bamboo fiber crockery mold

bamboo fiber dinnerware mold

If using a dryer, please use low temperature drying, the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius to prevent excessive shrinkage. Decorative items such as laces and pendants must be removed and washed.

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