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Professional melamine tableware mould manufacturer
05 Apr 2020

Professional melamine tableware mould manufacturer

The full name of melamine is called melamine resin. It belongs to a kind of plastic and is a thermosetting plastic in plastic. It has the advantages of non-toxic and tasteless, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, bump resistance, etc. In addition, it has a compact structure and strong Hardness, not easy to break, and strong durability. One of the characteristics of this plastic is that it is easy to color, and the color is very beautiful, and the overall performance is relatively good. Therefore, it has entered the consumer market in recent years. Quanzhou Shunhao Melamine Mould Co.,Ltd As a professional melamine mold manufacturer, the company also seizes this frenzy and strives to upstream. Next, let's follow Shunhao Mold to learn more about melamine tableware.

       Melamine is melamine, but don't be afraid, as long as you don't eat it and don't have high temperature, there will be no safety issues. The cutlery made after the treatment is safe and harmless to the human body. Due to the particularity of the plastic molecular structure, it cannot be used in microwave ovens. Because of its high heat deformation temperature, unbreakable, strong bending strength and impact strength, it has more unique advantages in meeting environmental protection and sustainable development requirements, so it is more and more popular among domestic and foreign families. The tableware is also called imitation porcelain tableware, which is formed by heating, pressing and pressing resin powder. It is used in the catering industry and children's catering industry with its light, beautiful, low temperature resistant, and not fragile properties.

Due to the use of high-quality steel and imported electroplating materials, the molds produced by Shunhao have been praised by advertisers for their durability because of their high-gloss finish treatment.
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النشرة الإخبارية

الدردشة الآن

Shunhao Moulds