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if Melamine tableware is not good?
25 May 2019

if Melamine tableware is not good?

In general, our tableware is made of ceramics, and of course, in order to reduce costs, plastic tableware is also used. However, because ceramic tableware is easily damaged, plastic tableware is not only unhealthy but also polluted, so many catering industries use melamine tableware. So, is the melamine tableware good? In fact, melamine meal has the advantages of being light, beautiful, and not easy to break.

Melamine tableware belongs to high molecular polymer, abbreviated as MF in English, and its monomer is formaldehyde and melamine. A 37% aqueous solution of formaldehyde was used for the reaction, and the molar ratio of the two monomers of formaldehyde and melamine was 2 to 3.

Melamine powder is made of melamine formaldehyde resin as raw material, cellulose as base material, pigment and other additives. Because it is a three-dimensional network structure, it is a thermosetting raw material. (The waste side cannot be recycled to the furnace).

China Melamine Crockery Mold

Melamine Moulding Powder

Its characteristics are as follows:

One. The melamine formaldehyde molding powder is odorless, tasteless and non-toxic.

two. The surface hardness of melamine formaldehyde plastic is high, shiny and scratch resistant.

three. Self-extinguishing, fireproof, impact resistant, and crack resistant.

four. High temperature, high humidity stability, good solvent resistance and good alkali resistance.

Tableware is suitable for

Catering (fast food) chain stores, food courts, university (colleges) canteens, hotels, restaurants, restaurants, advertising gifts, etc. Due to the special molecular structure of melamine plastics, melamine tableware is not suitable for use in microwave ovens, and cracking may occur if used.

China Melamine Tableware Mold

China Melamine Crockery Mold

Tableware cleaning

Melamine tableware can't be washed with steel balls, it will remove the gloss of the surface of the tableware, and it will leave a lot of scratches. Therefore, it is not recommended to use steel balls because the melamine meal has a ceramic texture and the surface is smooth and clean. It is also convenient. If it is especially difficult to wash the dirt, it is recommended to soak it in detergent water, then wash it with a dish cloth, or wash it directly with a dishwasher.

If the melamine tableware is used for a long time, the melamine dish will absorb the pigment, oil stains, coffee stains and other stubborn stains, which will make the melamine tableware yellow and black. At this time, the general cleaning method is not feasible

China Melamine Dinnerware Mold

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