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How to choose qualified melamine tableware
02 Mar 2020
How to choose qualified melamine tableware

As can be seen from the above, the cost of authentic melamine tableware is different. Therefore, it is reflected in the price first.

When purchasing tableware in this area, especially for children's tableware (because we want to train children to eat independently, we usually choose tableware that is not touched), it is recommended to go to large shopping malls and buy higher-priced products. Judging by the senses, it can be touched by hand-smooth, just like porcelain; seeing-flat, no burrs, no marks; nose smell-no pungent odor, feel fresh. In addition, the tableware produced by regular companies is generally clearer in printing and packaging. Pay special attention to three points: the name of the factory, the location of the bar code, whether the QS logo is printed.
Melamine Tableware Compress Mold

There are two simple methods to refer to.

① Take the tableware to be inspected for 5 minutes in the microwave oven (the real melamine tableware is also not suitable for the microwave oven), and it can be distinguished according to the change of the appearance of the tableware: the melamine tableware that only partially blackens; with the popping sound, the product White bubble spots appear on the surface, and the pungent odor is urethane resin tableware;

② light a cigarette, take a sip, place the burning cigarette on the tableware to be inspected, and do not let it go out, blow it About half a cigarette, remove the soot, wipe the smoke marks, according to the condition of the wipe, you can distinguish the authenticity, good and bad, high-quality melamine tableware, wipe clean, no glaze on the glaze, common can see urethane resin tableware Mottled example of smoke trails made of ashtray.

we are the factory of Melamine Dinnerware Mold in China,if you need any Melamine Dinnerware Mold ,please contact with me.

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الدردشة الآن

Shunhao Moulds